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Frequently Asked Questions
General Program
If your residence or business is connected to a Public Water System, the service provider is required by law to follow strict health standards set by State and Federal agencies. Public water utilities are mandated by State law to ensure 100% of the drinking water delivered is safe to drink. Additionally, the State can shut down a system if contaminant levels exceed drinking water standards.
When a private well is the source of drinking water, only a water test can reveal if the water is safe to drink. Many contaminants are odorless and tasteless.
Valley Water Collaborative is supported by water quality permit holders in the Modesto and Turlock groundwater basins. VWC funding comes from a self-assessment of the industry segments operation in the groundwater basins. This funding pays for well testing, delivering bottled water or installing a water treatment system. It also covers the cost for developing plans and reports required under the Nitrate Control Program from the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund (SAFER) to implement an expanded domestic well sampling program in the Modesto and Turlock groundwater basin Management Zones.
SAFER funding supports additional analysis of water samples for groundwater contaminants including arsenic, 1,2,3-TCP, DBCP, EDB, Total Chromium, and uranium. The funding also allows VWC to provide bottled water and/or treatment systems for disadvantaged households or households in disadvantaged communities that have contaminants exceeding drinking water standards.
You will never be charged for any services associated with Valley Water Collaborative and the Nitrate Control Program. If your well has contaminants above the California Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate, VWC will ALWAYS pay for your bottled water or water treatment system.
If your well results show levels above the California Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for other contaminants (arsenic, 1,2,3-TCP, DBCP, EDB, perchlorate, total chromium and/or uranium) but NOT nitrate, the SAFER grant funding will purchase your treatment system and pay for a 2 -year maintenance policy. After 2 years, it will be the residence’ option to take over payment of the maintenance fees or have the system removed free of charge.
Qualified applicants are residences located in Modesto or Turlock Groundwater Basins and who use a private domestic well or small water systems well for drinking water.
If your drinking water is tested by VWC and does not meet the drinking water health standards, you are eligible for FREE bottled water or a FREE water treatment system if:
- Domestic well test shows levels above the California Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate
OR - Domestic well test results show levels above the California Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for arsenic, 1,2,3-TCP, DBCP, EDB, perchlorate, total chromium and/or uranium AND residence is located in a disadvantaged community or self-identifies as low-income. After 2 years, it will be the residence’ option to take over payment of the maintenance fees or have the system removed free of charge.
Applying to the Program
Eligible applicants for FREE well testing are residences that:
- Are located in Modesto or Turlock Groundwater Basins.
AND - Use a private domestic well or small water system as their source of drinking water.
Valley Water Collaborative tests for nitrate, arsenic, 1,2,3-TCP, DBCP, EDB, Total Chromium, and uranium. Testing may also include perchlorate.
Applicants are eligible for FREE bottled water or a FREE water treatment system if they have had their well tested AND:
- Domestic well test shows levels above the California Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate
OR - Domestic well test results show levels above the California Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for arsenic, 1,2,3-TCP, DBCP, EDB, perchlorate, total chromium and/or uranium AND the residence is located in a disadvantaged community or self-identify as low-income.
First, fill out an application. If an application is approved, you will receive an email or phone confirmation within 1-2 weeks. The laboratory contracted by VWC will then contact you and schedule a well test. After the sample is collected, it will take 2-3 weeks to process. Valley Water Collaborative will provide your well test results as soon as they are received. If your water does not meet the drinking water health standards, you are eligible for FREE bottled water or a FREE water treatment system if:
- Domestic well test results show levels above the California Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for nitrate
OR - Domestic well test shows levels above the California Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for arsenic, 1,2,3-TCP, DBCP, EDB, perchlorate, total chromium and/or uranium AND residence is located in a disadvantaged community or self-identify as low-income.
Receiving Bottled Water
Your first delivery will include water containers and a hand pump. You are automatically delivered 5-gallon bottles to your residence. If you would prefer 1-gallon or 3-gallon bottles, please contact VWC. It can take up to 72 hours to process changes in delivery amounts.
You are automatically enrolled for monthly deliveries. Monthly deliveries are approximately every 21 days, excluding weekends and holidays. If you prefer deliveries twice per month, or once every two months, please let us know.
You are automatically enrolled to receive a specific quantity of water based on your household size. However, you may adjust the quantity of water at any time. Please let us know if the amount of water delivered needs to change. ReadyRefresh delivers the same amount of water to your residence each month, regardless of the number of empty bottles that you leave out.
Please leave out your empty bottled to be picked up at each delivery. If you have special delivery instructions for ReadyRefresh’s drivers, please let us know.
After your account is set-up with ReadyRefresh, you will receive a phone notification 24-48 hours before your first delivery. For all subsequent deliveries, you will receive a phone call 24-48 hours before delivery. If you are not receiving these delivery notifications, please let us know.
Your delivery notification may include billing information. Please disregard these notices as VWC will always be paying for your water, delivery, and hand pump. If you receive a bill in the mail from Ready Refresh, please let us know so we can confirm the details of your account.
Please contact VWC for all questions and changes to your quantity, bottle size, or delivery frequency. You can reach us at or 209-750-3867.